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Fiorenzuola di Focara (PU) - One of the most beautiful villages in Italy - Monte San Bartolo Park - Marche

From this village you can see beautiful views both north and south and take adventurous paths in the San Bartolo Park... #tuttitaly

Fiorenzuola di Focara (PU) - One of the most beautiful villages in Italy - Monte San Bartolo Park - Marche

Fiorenzuola di Focara stands on a promontory overlooking the sea, a few kilometers from the splendid Gradara.

The suggestive position of the village of Fiorenzuola di Focara allows us to undertake numerous adventurous itineraries and paths in the Monte San Bartolo Natural Park and to enjoy beautiful views both to the north and to the south.

A bit of history

The village of Fiorenzuola di Focara dates back to Roman times. Initially, the village was known simply as Fiorenzuola.

Subsequently, in 1889, the name Focara was added to it - probably due to the presence of furnaces or the fires lit as an alarm signal for the arrival of enemies.

The development of Fiorenzuola di Focara with its walls presumably began between the 10th and 13th centuries, a period in which Fiorenzuola with its castle was part of an essential defensive system together with Casteldimezzo, Granarola, and Gradara. Of its past remains the walls, consisting of five bastions, of which today only three remain.

What to see

You enter the village of Fiorenzuola di Focara through a door, which reminds us that Dante Alighieri passed through here, and dedicated some verses to this tiny place in his Divine Comedy:

"Quel traditor che vede pur con l'uno,

e tien la terra che tale qui meco

vorrebbe di vedere esser digiuno,

farà venirli a parlamento seco;

poi farà sì, ch'al vento di Focara

non sarà lor mestier voto né preco"

(Canto XXVIII of Hell, Divine Comedy).

The historic center of Fiorenzuola di Focara comprises narrow alleys and alleys where you can still breathe the Middle Ages and which revolve around the only square in the town. You can walk the Path of Love, which leads to a point where you can enjoy a suggestive view of the cliff that drops sheer into the sea.

The remains of the religious cult building, the oldest in the village, are fascinating: the church of Sant'Andrea, built-in 1200. Today only the bell tower with the clock is visible, which marks the time in this old place with its tolls.

Fiorenzuola di Focara beach

A path to be covered on foot for about 20 minutes leads to the sea, allowing you to enjoy ma along the entire descent thanks to its colors, flowers, and unspoiled nature—a truly magical journey. Once you reach the sea, you will find a free beach with no services, but ideal for anyone looking for peace and silence.


Among the typical dishes, taste the polenta with seafood and the tagliolini with fish and chickpeas.

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