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Cathedral Basilica of Maria Santissima Assunta in Heaven - Reggio Calabria (RC) - Calabria

On the stairway that leads to the large and imposing façade, there are the sumptuous statues of Saint Paul, who, according to legend, converted the inhabitants of Reggio to Christianity, and of Saint Stephen of Nicea, the first bishop of the city… #tuttitaly

Cathedral Basilica of Maria Santissima Assunta in Heaven - Reggio Calabria (RC) - Calabria

The Cathedral of the Most Holy Assumption into Heaven is one of the most important symbols of Reggio Calabria, along with the famous Riace Bronzes and the suggestive promenade "Italo Falcomatà."

Designed by Father Carmelo Angiolini, the Cathedral dominates the large square in front. It welcomes visitors with the majestic statues of Saint Paul and Saint Stephen of Nicea, created by the sculptor Francesco Jerace in 1934.

Marian devotion

The Cathedral has a deep connection with Marian devotion and the devotion of the Reggio community to the Madonna della Consolazione, the city's patron saint.

A painting by the Reggio painter Nicolò Andrea Capriolo, dated 1547, depicts the Virgin on a throne with the Divine Son, flanked by Saints Anthony of Padua and Francis of Assisi. The people of Reggio revere this sacred image as a symbol of hope and relief. It is displayed to the faithful from the second Saturday of September until the last Sunday of November when it is returned to its natural seat to the Basilica of the Hermitage.


The history of the Cathedral of Reggio Calabria is complex and marked by events of destruction and reconstruction. The cathedral has been rebuilt several times due to looting, fires, and earthquakes. The first uncertain information about the cathedral dates back to the 4th and 14th centuries. After being destroyed by the Saracens in the 11th century, it was rebuilt by the Normans and later devastated by the Turks in 1574. In the 17th century, repair and adaptation works began, completed by Monsignor Martino Ybanez y Villanueva.

However, the cathedral suffered further damage due to the earthquakes of 1783 and 1908, which required its reconstruction.

Minor Basilica dignity

In 1978, Pope Paul IV elevated the Cathedral of Reggio Calabria to the dignity of Minor Basilica, thus recognizing its historical and religious importance.

The Church is one of the oldest and most respected in the region and boasts the presence of Saint Paul the Apostle.

Its grandeur, artistic beauty, and the presence of relics of saints kept inside, along with the influx of faithful, make it the main church of Calabria.

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