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Predappio and Parish Church of Sant'Antonio (FC) - Emilia Romagna

In the name of the Romagna triad, "engines, tagliatelle and Sangiovese" for the famous Mototagliatella motorcycle rally. In previous editions, 5,500 tagliatelle eggs were consumed, seasoned with five and a half quintals of meat sauce, to be washed down with rivers of Sangiovese and beer, plus a lot of Romagna piadina ... with over five thousand motorcyclists from all over Italy and abroad ... #tuttitaly

Predappio and Parish Church of Sant'Antonio (FC) - Emilia Romagna

Predappio, in ancient times, was a small town developed around the Medieval Castle, placed in control of the territories conquered by the Calboli family.

The origin of the name Predappio refers to the rock on which the castle was built. It, therefore, derives from "petra appi."

In 1883, Predappio gave birth to Benito Mussolini. During the Fascist period, the Predappio Nuova was built, intended to celebrate the origins of the Head of State.

Predappio is an open-air museum.

The urban center consists of a long avenue on which various buildings rise. At the end of the street, there is Piazza S. Antonio, overlooked by: the Church, built between 1925 and 1934; the Varano Palace, now the Town Hall; the Casa del Fascio, constructed between 1934 and 1937.

Along the avenue, other buildings represent the ideal fascist city:

the former Albergo Appennino, the Postelegraphonic Office, and the Food Market, designed in the shape of an exedra to frame the birthplace of the Duce.

Near Predappio, the Cemetery of San Cassiano in Pennino encloses the ancient Pieve di San Cassiano (X_XI century). In the cemetery, there is the tomb of Mussolini and his family.


- In May, motorcycling enthusiasts participate in the mototagliatella, a "moto-gastronomic" event.

- Predappio is the city of Sangiovese: a robust and

structured wine. It can be tasted in the Cantine di Predappio Alta. The Cantine Zoli welcomes the Vècia Cantena d'la Pré restaurant-wine shop: you go underground to a depth of several meters.

- During Christmas, the Nativity scene is set up in the Solfatara caves, the former sulfur mine of Predappio Alta.

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