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Palinuro, hamlet of Centola (SA) - Ficocella Beach - Cilento National Park, Vallo di Diano and Alburni - UNESCO Heritage - Campania

The history of Palinuro is full of charm, and the merit is also of the legends that hover around the wild beauty of Capo Palinuro... #tuttitaly

Palinuro, fraction of Centola (SA) - Ficocella Beach - Cilento National Park, Vallo di Diano and Alburni - UNESCO Heritage - Campania

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Capo Palinuro is a rocky promontory on the southern Campania coast. It is made up of limestone rocks that drop sheer to the sea. And these were dug by the waters to become caves. One of these is the Blue Grotto, so called for the glorious color of its waters.

Among the coves of this place, we must remember the Cala Fetente, which owes its name to sulfurous emanations, the Cala delle Alghe, and the Cala delle Ossa, which has human bones calcined in the rock (probably victims of ancient shipwrecks).

During the Greek era, the peninsula was already known by sailors for the danger of its insidious currents.

Today, the peninsula's name is associated with the character of Virgil, Palinuro, the helmsman of Aeneas. He fell into the sea, betrayed by sleep, and when he reached the shore, he was attacked and killed by the natives.

But, according to some documents, Capo Palinuro would be called this way because it is a fishing place rich in crustaceans. The prawns were called "palinuri."

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