The cult of Mercury was venerated until the Middle Ages with the name of "Castrum Mercuriani," from which the current name derives. Until the fifteenth century, it also preserves in the same civic coat of arms, the image of the god Mercury... #tuttitaly
Mercogliano is a characteristic medieval village in the province of Avellino, founded in the last decades of the 6th century when a colony of refugees from Abellinum occupied the nearby territories to escape the Lombards.
In a short time, a town was built, which developed into a fortified village between 1077 and 1089.
Origins of the name
The cult of Mercury was revered in this place, from which the town takes its name.
What to visit
A Roman military column was found in Alvanella, confirming the presence of an essential arterial road leading to Naples.
Important testimonies and archaeological finds date back to the 4th century, a historical period that recalls the events of the Christianization of Irpinia, with Saints Modestino, Fiorentino, and Flaviano (the three patron saints of the town), depicted on the top of the lower gate of the village, known as Porta dei Saints.
Among the religious buildings is the church of San Francesco, the church of San Giovanni, the church of Santi Pietro e Paolo with the annexed bell tower, and the Sanctuary of Montevergine, home to a museum of works of art, sculptures, frescoes, and finds of historical interest.
Traditional meal
Pork ham with beans and escarole is a delicacy from Mercogliano.