Along the suggestive peninsula at the south-western end of Sardinia, various coves open onto a dazzling beach, one of the most beautiful in the south of the island, an excellent place for nature and history... #tuttitaly
Medium-grained sand and pebbles, very shallow and sandy bottoms, inlets with rocks and rocks of amber color. We are on Capo Malfatano Beach, one of the most beautiful coasts.
The sea takes on a light blue color and moves away from the shore; it becomes bluer. The waters are always calm.
From the sixth century BC, the bay, sheltered from the winds, had been chosen first by the Phoenicians, then by the Punics, as a landing place. Even today, you can see the large sandstone blocks forming the port quays. Now submerged by the sea, they can be discovered near the shore with a mask and fins a few meters deep.
The bathing establishment, in the western part of the beach, offers itself as a starting point for boat trips along the entire coast.
The Spanish Tower overlooks Capo Malfatano and would be an excellent 360 ° panoramic point even towards the hinterland.
The pond behind Capo Malfatano makes the landscape even more suggestive from a naturalistic point of view.