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Fagagna (UD) - One of the most beautiful villages in Italy - Friuli-Venezia Giulia

This extensive territory comprises seven hamlets that form a single inhabited center. About the name of Fagagna, it seems that it derives from "Fagus" or "faggio," a reference to this plant that once covered much of Friuli Venezia Giulia... #tuttitaly

Fagagna (UD) - One of the most beautiful villages in Italy - Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Fagagna, one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, rises in Friuli-Venezia Giulia and comprises seven villages united in a single inhabited center.

In addition to admiring the scenic beauty of the village, it is possible to learn about its history and discover its art.

Starting from the historic center, along a paved road, you reach the hill of the castle, on the top of which are the administrative and judicial authorities of the community.

From here, a road leads to the parish church of Santa Maria Assunta, one of the oldest parish churches in Friuli, which preserves a sixteenth-century baptismal font, an early eighteenth-century altar, and an organ.

The Museo di Cjase Cocèl, one of Italy's wealthiest museums dedicated to rural civilization, is housed in a typical Friulian country house from the 17th century.

A few steps from the museum is the Church of San Leonardo, in which part of the fresco decoration made between the 14th and 15th centuries with stories from San Leonardo's life and episodes from Jesus's life is visible.

The donkey race

The "Corsa degli asini" is held on the first Sunday of September, an event born in 1891. The race takes place in the town square. The Sunday following the race, the winning donkey is rewarded.

Culinary products

Fagagna cheese is a particularly sought-after local product obtained with unpasteurized raw milk.

Among the wines, Picolit stands out, a prized white whose production began in 1761 by Count Fabio Asquini.

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