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Dorgali (NU) - Gulf of Orosei - Sardinia

An unmissable destination, a village famous for archaeological and artisan attractions and unrivaled naturalistic beauties, inland and on the coast... #tuttitaly

Dorgali (NU) - Gulf of Orosei - Sardinia

In addition to being an agricultural and pastoral settlement, Dorgali is an essential center for the craftsmanship of leather, ceramics, filigree, and carpet weaving: fundamental stages are the social cellar and the dairy.

In the vicinity of the town, after passing a short tunnel, you will find yourself in front of the splendor of the Gulf of Orosei.

A sinuous descent will take you to the hamlet of Cala Gonone, perched on a steep hill that slopes down to the sea: with a guided excursion, you can discover the beautiful coves of the Gulf, as well as visit the famous natural cavities of the Bue Marino Caves - a spectacular forest of stalactites and stalagmites, once the habitat of the monk seal, which houses an underground salt lake.

225 sq km of territory make Dorgali one of the largest municipalities in Sardinia - characterized by the crystalline sea of ​​the Gulf of Orosei and the wild mountains of Supramonte (an enviable natural heritage).

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