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Colliano (SA) - Campania

Almost clinging to the rock, at the foot of the imposing Monte Marzano, in a suggestive panoramic position, it dominates the Sele Valley from 630 meters above sea level...#tuttitaly

Colliano (SA) - Campania

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In the upper Sele valley, at the foot of the imposing Monte Marzano, at 630 m above sea level, stands Colliano - an Italian town of 3411 inhabitants.


"Pietro homo est" is the engraving, dating back to the 1st-3rd century AD, which bears witness to the ancient traces of the population that inhabited Colliano. The finds found on site belong to this period: tombs, cinerary urns, and portions of religious buildings.

The name is Colliano and originates from the Roman gens Collia. With the fall of the Roman Empire, the territory underwent the domination of the Goths in 524 and that of the Lombards. During the Lombard domination, the inhabitants of these lands took refuge on the hill to defend themselves from the Saracens. Thus they gave birth to the current conformation of the aggregations of Colliano and Collianello.

Collianello is located right at the top of the hill. A fortified village was built here: an overhanging stronghold surrounded by houses and alleys.

Interesting sites

Numerous finds from the historical and artistic heritage of Colliano testify to the existence of urban agglomerations scattered throughout the territory since the Roman pacification after the wars with Hannibal.

Funerary monuments in a garden at the beginning of Viale Terlizzi, dating from the 1st to the 3rd century, bear partially decipherable inscriptions.

In Macchia, a cinerary urn from the 1st century AD was found. It consisted of a monolithic ivory-white limestone piece and two Doric capitals in local travertine.

In the Zaparone district, a large clay vase was found, a Dolio from the 3rd century AD, as well as substantial wall structures and a few tombs, which confirmed the presence of scarce remains of an imperial villa to which between the 8th and 11th centuries century the former abbey of San Lorenzo was superimposed. This ceased its activity in 1200.

Religious buildings

In the historic center of Colliano:

- the Mother Church of Santi Pietro e Paolo, dating back to 200 and rebuilt in the XVIII century, in Baroque style;

- the church of Santa Maria del Borgo, presumably dating back to the 11th-12th century, contains frescoes from the 18th and 19th centuries;

In the village of Collianello, you can visit the San Martino di Tours church built and dedicated to San Martino di Tours between the 15th and 16th centuries.

Military architectures

In the Collianello village, the Norman Castle dating back to the XI century, stands on the patch that overlooks the entire town. The bases of the two lateral bastions north of the perimeter walls are still visible.

Civil buildings

The Town Hall, located in the center of Viale Terlizzi, deserves mention; Palazzo Borriello, situated in Piazza Epifani; Palazzo Strollo, located at the beginning of Corso Umberto I.

Natural areas

The Colliano area - with its parks, meadows, the Monti Eremita and Marzano Nature Reserve, and the regions equipped with Piano di Pecora and Piano Luongo - is made up of a rich flora and particular fauna, which offers an ideal scenario for those who want to spend a day in contact with unspoiled nature.

Near Piano di Pecora, you can visit the natural cave, which is believed to have been used as a refuge by Giacomo Parra, leader of a band of brigands, of whom we remember the warning in Collianese dialect: "Chi s'mpaccia resta 'mpacciat, chi s'ntrica resta 'ntrcat."


Among the typical products of Colliano are truffles, mountain potatoes, sheep ricotta, silano caciocavallo, pecorino, taralli, cicerchie, granone pizza, and extra virgin olive oil.

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