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Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta and Santa Giustina - Piacenza (PC) - Emilia Romagna

Imposing Romanesque cathedral built between the years 1122 and 1233. The interior is in the shape of a Latin cross, with three naves divided by twenty-five massive pillars... #tuttitaly

Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta and Santa Giustina - Piacenza (PC) - Emilia Romagna

The Cathedral of Piacenza is a true gem of Romanesque architecture, standing majestically in the city's heart. Its history dates back to 1122 when construction began. Not only does its grandeur make it unique, but also its artistic peculiarities.

Inside the Cathedral, numerous works of art can be admired, telling the history and culture of Piacenza. For example, on the second column to the right, the Madonna delle Grazie is frescoed, a figure of great devotion for the faithful.

But that's not all; on the other columns are carved the reliefs of the Piacenza corporations of the 12th century, which financially contributed to the cathedral's construction. It is an original way to celebrate the importance of the local community.

But the beauty does not stop there. At the intersection between the central nave and the transept, a magnificent octagonal lantern rises, frescoed with figures of prophets.

This work of art was created by two great masters: Pier Francesco Mazzuchelli, known as il Morazzone, and Giovan Francesco Barbieri, known as il Guercino. A collaboration that gave life to an unprecedented masterpiece.

And we cannot forget the polychrome altarpiece located behind the high altar. This work, created by Antonio Burlengo and Bartolomeo da Groppallo in 1476, is a riot of colors and details—a true spectacle for the eyes.

But the beauty of the Cathedral of Piacenza is not limited to the interior. The crypt, which houses the relics of Saint Giustina, is also a place of great fascination. The splendid columns with decorated capitals convey a sense of mystery and sacredness. Although some result from recent restorations, they still maintain all their splendor.

Finally, we cannot forget the Bell Tower, which stands proudly beside the Cathedral.

Built a century after the cathedral, it was completed in 1341 with the addition of a spire. At the top of this spire is a bronze statue of an angel, which has become the city's symbol. A touch of originality that makes the Cathedral of Piacenza even more fascinating.

In conclusion, the Cathedral of Piacenza is a true artistic and cultural treasure.

Its works of art, history, and grandeur make it a unique place in the panorama of Italian Romanesque architecture. A place that deserves to be visited and admired by all those who love art and beauty.

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