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Basilica of Superga - Turin (TO) - Piedmont

The history and tragedy of the marvelous Basilica ... #tuttitaly

Basilica of Superga - Turin (TO) - Piedmont

The history of the Basilica of Superga dates back to 1706, when Vittorio Amedeo II and Eugenio di Savoia climbed one of the highest hills of Turin, the Superga hill, to observe Turin from above, which in that year was besieged by the Franco- Spaniards.

At that moment, the attack-ish soldiers devastated their city of Turin. Vittorio Amedeo II knelt and decided to build a monument in honor of the Madonna in case of victory.

The Piedmontese won the battle thanks to the massively fortified city and the tunnels dug specifically underground. In fact, along the path of the tunnels, many mines were prepared, which the Piedmontese made shine when the enemy passed by, burying him alive.

The decision of the soldier Pietro Micca was prodigious. He realized that by now, there was no more time to use the long ignition fuse and set fire to the powders, sacrificing his own life and saving the city.

It was then Filippo Juvarra (Messinese architect, one of the leading exponents of the Baroque) who, a few years later, signed the project for the construction of the Basilica.

It is necessary to remember that sad day in 1949; on May 4 at 5:30 pm, a plane carrying the Torino team crashed into the wall of the Basilica of Superga. The victims were 31.

The structure of the Basilica is imposing; the Royals chose it as the burial place of the members of the House of Savoy. From up there, the panorama of Turin stretches confidently to break against the Alps.

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