The "Quarto Stato", a work from 1901 by Giuseppe Pellizza, represents the demands of the workers of the late 19th century, it is famous in Italy and the rest of the world... #tuttitaly
During our trip to Piedmont, we decided to reach Volpedo, one of the most beautiful villages in Italy since 2006, to be able to admire Giuseppe Pellizza's "Quarto Stato" up close; the work of 1901, which represents the claims of the workers of the late nineteenth century, and is famous in Italy and the rest of the World.
In 2001, the 100th anniversary of the creation of the "Fourth Estate" was celebrated. For the occasion, the village was visited by thousands of tourists.
What to see
Pellizza's house studio is located on the outskirts of the town. Here the painter was born, who, after his training around Italy, decided to return and have his studio built
The studio-atelier is full of essential testimonies on the painter's life and artistic production.
The Pellizza da Volpedo Educational Museum is dedicated to the painter's human and artistic events, represented with images, documents, and objects divided into various sections. One section is dedicated to the famous work of art, "Quarto Stato."
Among the streets of the Municipality of Volpedo, we see reproductions of Giuseppe Pellizza's works on display in the places that inspired him so that we can compare today's Volpedo with that of the painter's canvases.
The oldest monument in the village is the Romanesque Pieve, already mentioned in documents from the 10th century. The church's interior is decorated with Gothic-style frescoes by the Boxilio brothers.
The nineteenth-century Parish Church of San Pietro
Apostolo stands on the site of the house of Giovannino Costa, a young shepherd killed in 1468 who became a blessed Giovannino martyr and patron saint of the town. Inside we find a San Luigino, the work of Giuseppe Pellizza.
In Piazza della Libertà, we find the nineteenth-century town hall, inside which there is a marble bas-relief that recalls the donation of Volpedo by Perino Cameri to the Fabbrica del Duomo in Milan in the fifteenth century (work of the sculptor Jacopino da Tradate).
Strawberries and Peaches
The Volpedo area is famous for strawberries and peaches.
Every year in May, a fair is organized where you can buy the product and its derivatives.
Summer is the ideal time to taste the delicious yellow pulp peaches, lovely.