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Spello (PG) - One of the most beautiful villages in Italy - Parish Church of San Lorenzo - Umbria

The city is built with the pink limestone of the mountain on which it stands, Mount Subasio, so much so that it shines with a surprising color when the sun sets... #tuttitaly

Spello (PG) - One of the most beautiful villages in Italy - Parish Church of San Lorenzo - Umbria

Spello, the "splendid Colonia Julia" of Roman times, is today considered one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, known above all for the magnificent "Infiorate," floral compositions created every year on the occasion of Corpus Domini.

The town is located on the spur of Mount Subasio, just above the plain. The city is built with the pink limestone of the same mountain, and it shines surprisingly when the sun goes down.

The Borgo is still surrounded by the well-preserved Roman Walls, in which there are three doors: on the Via Roma, the Porta Urbica, and the market square, the Porta Consolare of the 1st century. BC has a tower topped by an olive tree, symbolizing the best-known local product. The third, Porta Venere, has two buildings with a dodecagonal base called Torri di Properzio.

Among the things to see, worthy of note, is the church of Santa Maria Maggiore, with the famous Baglioni Chapel with the majolica floor of Deruta and the frescoes by Pinturicchio.

You cannot miss a visit to the Roman House, dating back to the 1st century AD, and brought to light in 1885 thanks to the excavations carried out under the Town Hall. The inscription on the walls of the building indicates that Vespasiana Polla, the mother of Vespasiano, owned it.

To remember the church of Sant'Andrea built in 1258, the seat of a community of minor friars founded by Andrea Caccioli, a follower of San Francesco, and the church of San Lorenzo, which boasts a genuinely suggestive facade.

Every Sunday, from 11.30, you can take part in the guided tour "Spello di Vicolo in Vicolo," organized by the Museum System: an urban tour that allows you to admire panoramic views, artistic heritage, and silent and romantic alleys embellished by the beauty of flowers with which they are decorated all year round.

History and art lovers can visit the Civic Museum, set up in the Palazzo dei Canonici (16th century) houses essential works of art between the 13th and 18th centuries.

Furthermore, we must mention Villa Fidelia, commissioned by the Urbani family in 500 and created on the ruins of a Roman sanctuary. It contains a splendid park with centuries-old trees and an eighteenth-century building where an exhibition dedicated to classical and contemporary artists is set up.

The Corpus Domini Infiorata, the most representative event of the village, is held between May and June. Not to be missed! Every year, the center's streets are decorated with paintings of sacred art composed of flower

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