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Santa Severina (KR) - Concathedral of Sant'Anastasia - Most beautiful villages in Italy - Calabria

With the Greek name of Siberene, the town is documented as a city of Enotria as early as the 5th century BC. Today it is defined as a "stone ship" set between the sea and the mountains...#tuttitaly

Santa Severina (KR) - Concathedral of Sant'Anastasia - Most beautiful villages in Italy - Calabria

Santa Severina, one of the Most Beautiful Villages in Italy, is a charming village located on a tuff spur overlooking the Neto River valley. Early in the morning, when the fog envelops the valley up to the rocky base it stands, it looks like a giant stone ship, a vessel in the vast sea of history, where many testimonies of the past still shine.

In the eastern area, the Grecia neighborhood is an echo of Byzantine domination, with its houses clinging to the rock, offering a panoramic view of the Marchesato. Adjacent to Greece is the Ludea district, inhabited by Jews until their expulsion in 1510.

During the Byzantine era, the city experienced a period of great splendor between the 9th and 11th centuries. The principal witnesses of this period are the baptistery, the old cathedral, the church of Santa Filomena, and other scattered ruins in the area.

The majestic and imposing Castle was built in 1076 by the Normans on the remains of a previous Byzantine fortification.

The Cathedral of Santa Severina built between 1274 and 1295, has a Latin cross plan with three naves. The original portal is still present, while on the facade, there is an inscription that recalls the renovation started in 1705 by Archbishop Berlingieri. Another inscription dedicates the church to Santa Anastasia, the town's patron saint.

The Cathedral, located to the north, and the Norman Castle, located to the south, are the two main architectural attractions of the "Campo," the name the inhabitants of Santa Severina call their square.


The typical village dish is "chjna" pasta, baked rigatoni stuffed with provola cheese and sausage.

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