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Santa Giusta Cathedral - Santa Giusta (OR) - Sardinia

Made almost entirely of sandstone, this building dates back to the 12th century. It is considered one of the most representative examples of Sardinian Romanesque... #tuttitaly

Santa Giusta Cathedral - Santa Giusta (OR) - Sardinia

Characteristic of the Romanesque period in Sardinia, the Cathedral of Santa Giusta stands out imposingly on the surrounding urban landscape at the entrance to the Municipality of Santa Giusta, near Oristano.

Built in the 12th century on the remains of previous Nuragic and Punic structures, it was made of medium-sized sandstone blocks from Sinis.

The building consists of a hall divided into three shuttles by columns and their respective capitals. Single-light windows illuminate the interior, while arches on the outside surmount vertical elements. On the façade, a mullioned window opens with two lions, a male, and a female, which they hold between the legs of the deer.

The saints Giusta and Giustina lay in the crypt. They converted to Christianity at the time of Emperor Hadrian (II AD), and for this, they were martyred.

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