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Posta (RI) - Lazio

Important testimonies from the Roman era: The territory develops on the Salaria, an important vein built by the Romans which took its name from the use of the transport of salt... #tuttitaly

Posta (RI) - Lazio

Posta is an Italian town in the province of Rieti, located at the north end of the Velino Gorges, along the river Velino and the Via Salaria, in the stretch that connects Antrodoco to Amatrice, north-east of the Terminillo massif, and borders with Abruzzo to the east.

The environment is a typical mountain. Until 1927 it was part of the province of L'Aquila, in Abruzzo, and from 1233 to 1861, it was an integral part of the Giustizierato d'Abruzzo and of the Abruzzo Ulterior Secondo province, in the district of Cittaducale, with L'Aquila as its capital.

In 1927, following the reorganization of the Provincial Circumscriptions established by the Royal Decree N ° 1 of January 2, 1927, by the will of the Fascist government, when the province of Rieti was established, Posta passed from the region of L'Aquila to that of Rieti.

The town developed on the Salaria, an important vein built by the Romans which took its name from transporting salt: a raw material, at the time, indispensable even for the sole maintenance of food.

The road connects the Tyrrhenian and the Adriatic, passing through Rome and Ascoli Piceno, becoming a fundamental infrastructure for trade between these two critical centers.

If it had not been razed to the ground, we could have visited the Machilone castle, built around the year 1000 by order of King Charles of Anjou as a fortification and garrison of the crossroads where four important valleys flow into Rome, Spoleto, Ascoli, and L'Aquila. The area was considered strategically very important, and the castle was entrusted to the lords of Machilone.

The feud soon became rich, powerful, and independent, so much to annoy the Aquilani, who wanted to expand their supremacy. Then, in 1294, the castle and all the villages belonging to the fiefdom, already weakened by a terrible earthquake, were besieged by the Aquilani and razed to the ground. Only a few remaining walls are visible on the third top of a hill in front of the current village of Posta.

The dark valley begins in the village of Sigillo, in the municipality of Posta:

one of the most beautiful and wild valleys in the province of Rieti, a destination for hikers and trekking enthusiasts. Here, among inaccessible paths and breathtaking scenery, thanks to the difficulties of access, animal and plant species that have disappeared elsewhere and nature still intact have been preserved. The vegetation is dominated first by oaks and maples, then, at higher altitudes, by beech trees. The entire valley is inhabited, among others, by wild cats and foxes, martens and stone martens. The golden eagle often furrows the skies, which seems to nest here in the Fosso dei Cavalli.

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