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Pietramontecorvino (FG) - Church of S. Maria Assunta - Most beautiful villages in Italy - Puglia

It is called the Arab phoenix of Daunia because it rises again, built with the stones of the ancient Byzantine village of Montecorvino abandoned in the fifteenth century. Today, it shines with the historic center, the Terravecchia, strongly desired by citizens and administrators... #tuttitaly

Pietramontecorvino (FG) - Church of S. Maria Assunta - Most beautiful villages in Italy - Puglia

Pietramontecorvino, an ancient village among the mountains, stands proudly and majestic. Its narrow and winding streets, stone houses, and charming alleys tell the story of a glorious past.

What to visit

The Church of Santa Maria Assunta, imposing and adorned with frescoes and works of art, dominates the main square. Its tall and slender tower offers a breathtaking view of the surrounding valley. The elegant mullioned windows open up to the panorama, giving a feeling of lightness and beauty.

The Ducal Palace, with its imposing facade and refined architectural details, testifies to the importance and wealth of Pietra over the centuries. Today, restored and brought back to its ancient splendor, it hosts cultural events and exhibitions that attract visitors from all over.

But it is in the Terravecchia that one can breathe the authentic soul of Pietra. The stone houses, leaning against each other, seem to merge with the rock.

Here, among the narrow alleys and ancient staircases, one can perceive the atmosphere of a distant past.


The surrounding landscape is a true spectacle for the eyes. The sun-drenched countryside, with fields of wheat swaying in the wind, centuries-old olive trees, and lush vineyards, gives a sense of peace and serenity. The deserted roads invite long walks, immersing oneself in untouched nature.


The seasons in Pietra have a unique charm. The air is crisp during winter, and the smell of burning wood from the chimneys fills the houses. Warmth and intimacy spread through the streets, creating a welcoming and familiar atmosphere. During summer, on the other hand, the wind carries the scent of a broom growing on the nearby mountains, giving a fresh and fragrant air.


Like the phoenix, Pietra has risen from its ashes several times in its history, but today, it is a lively and vibrant place. A place where history, art, and nature blend in a perfect union, offering unique and unforgettable emotions.

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