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Pavia (PV) - Lombardy

Her Pavese soup (made with the only ingredients available: dry bread, cheese, eggs, and butter) was prepared for the first time by a peasant woman for King Francis I. The king liked it very much and, after a year of imprisonment, he brought it even to France..#tuttitaly

Pavia (PV) - Lombardy

Pavia, a charming city in the Lombardy region, welcomes you with its picturesque streets and timeless charm. With a rich historical and cultural experience, Pavia is a true gem to discover.

Founded by the Romans with Ticinum, this city has gone through epochs and kingdoms, leaving a unique historical heritage. During the reign of the Lombards in the 6th century AD, Pavia became the capital and took the name Papia, leaving an indelible mark in Italian history.

Tourist attractions

One of the most significant places in Pavia is the majestic Basilica of San Michele. This sacred place has hosted the coronation of various Carolingian kings, adding a touch of royalty to its history. Even Emperor Frederick Barbarossa crossed its doors, leaving a lasting impression.

The Cathedral of Pavia, with its imposing central dome in octagonal shape, is one of the city's main attractions. Its fascinating architecture and breathtaking panoramic view of the city are simply unforgettable.

It is said that Leonardo Da Vinci contributed to its construction, albeit in a limited way. This detail adds a touch of mystery and charm to the Cathedral.

The Certosa, a monastery commissioned by Gian Galeazzo Visconti, Duke of Milan, in the 15th century, is another place of great interest in Pavia. Inside the transept of the Certosa lies the tomb of Ludovico il Moro and his young wife, Beatrice d'Este.

Pavia is also famous for its ancient university, one of the oldest in Europe. Founded in 825 by Emperor Lothair, it has hosted and educated numerous intellectuals of excellent caliber. From Ugo Foscolo to Alessandro Volta, from Carlo Rubbia to Luigi Cavalli-Sforza, the University of Pavia has contributed to the formation of brilliant minds that have left an indelible mark in history.


You cannot visit Pavia without savoring its delicious gastronomy. Traditional risottos, mainly risotto alla certosina, will introduce you to unique and authentic flavors. Typical desserts such as torta paradiso and biscotti di San Michele are a true delight for the palate.

Zuppa alla Pavese

The history of zuppa alla pavese is linked to the episode of the captivity of Francis I of France during the Battle of Pavia in 1525. After being captured by Spanish soldiers, Francis I was taken to the Repentita farmhouse, where he was hosted and refreshed.

The peasant woman who welcomed him, finding herself unprepared for the arrival of such a distinguished guest, decided to prepare a soup using the ingredients she had available: stale bread, meat broth, and eggs. The soup was served with a fried egg, representing the symbol of freedom for Francis I, who was eager to return home.

The dish pleased the French king so much that, once he returned to France after a year of captivity, he decided to introduce Zuppa alla Pavese at court. The recipe was a great success and soon became famous, so much so that it has been passed down through time and become a typical dish of Pavia's culinary tradition.

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