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Path Of The Bregoli - Bologna (BO) - Emilia Romagna

The origin is controversial between two different "visions of the world": for the people of Casalecchio, it takes the name of "Bregoli"; for the people of Bologna, it sounds like the path of the "Brigoli." The ancient mule track has a spiritual vocation for the many pilgrims who from the Reno Valley go up to the Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin of San Luca... #tuttitaly

Path Of The Bregoli - Bologna (BO) - Emilia Romagna

The Bregoli path historically connects Casalecchio di Reno to the Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin of San Luca in Bologna.

Origin of the name

The origin of the name refers to two different "visions of the world": for the inhabitants of Casalecchio, the path takes the name of "Bregoli" by the ancient custom

widespread until the first half of the twentieth century of

the poorest people of following it in search of bregoli, or twigs of wood, thus identifying it as a free source of firewood ( Lilla Lipparini - Casalecchio di Reno, 1953 ); for the Bolognese instead, it sounds like the path of the "Brigoli" from the Mediterranean root "bric" which identifies an impervious and gravelly place (Alberto Menarini - "Modi e detti bolognesi," 1974).

The path

In the years following the Unification of Italy, under General Manfredo Fanti, the Bregoli path assumed a military role to defend the New Kingdom from the threats of aggression by Austria: it was widened and made suitable for vehicles to allow the transport of ammunition and cannons.

Once the military role ceased, in 1926, the then parish priest of the San Martino church, Filippo Ercolani, had a Via Crucis established along the path, setting up rest stations dedicated to prayers.

The route, about 1.7 km long, starts from the San Martino church at the entrance to Talon Park. Climbing through the woods along the sides of Monte Castello, it alternates moderate slopes with a stretch overhanging the narrow Valletta del Rio della Pizzacra, where, until the 1930s, hunters stationed themselves at dusk to wait for the woodcock to pass.

The Bregoli path is a destination for pilgrims, hikers, and nature sports lovers.

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