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Oliveto Citra (SA) - Campania

The olive tree, with its evergreen fronds, colors a large part of the territory of Oliveto Citra, which, from the top of a hill, dominates a large part of the upper Sele valley... #tuttitaly

Oliveto Citra (SA) - Campania

Oliveto Citra owes its name to the Latin "olivetum" (place planted with olive trees), while Citra was the name of the lord who ruled it. The territory is rich in olive trees. With their evergreen fronds, these plants color a large part of the territory, which, from the top of a hill, dominates the upper Sele Valley.

The town's structure respects the early medieval standards in the south with a castle located in a strategic position, around which, due to the frequent Saracen raids, the inhabitants sought protection and gradually built more houses.

Oliveto borders the town of Contursi Terme and, in addition to being rich in environmental resources, is crossed by the Sele River.

In 1980, the terrible earthquake in Irpinia seriously damaged the Castle, but its gate became famous on May 24, 1985, when some inhabitants reported seeing the Madonna. Since that day, the town has become a pilgrimage destination.

If you visit Oliveto, don't miss the Lucan Archaeological Museum of the Alta Valle del Sele!

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