An uncontaminated nature of holm oaks, brooms, lemon groves, and vineyards. The Amalfi Coast is a #UNESCO Heritage with 50km of coastline in the province of Salerno... #tuttitaly
Nocelle, the village of hazelnuts, is a fraction of the municipality of Positano. This small rural village, suspended between the sky and the sea, is immersed in an uncontaminated nature of holm oaks, brooms, lemon groves, and vineyards.
We take the 1750 stairs, many zigzags, to reach the lower part of Positano. I do not deny that my knees began to tremble at a certain point, but the breathtaking view made the discomfort insignificant.
In the past, to reach the city's center, people from Nocelle used the stairs, and most of the time, they carried their groceries and other items on their own.
Nowadays, you can easily take a bus to the lower part of Positano, but if you don't have knee and leg problems, you can enjoy this unique and unforgettable walk.
The first thing you notice before starting the descent is the Church of Nocelle, with a large square in front of it and an incredible view of Capri. We stopped to enjoy the atmosphere and to allow Kevin to pet some of the beautiful approaching cats.
Open spaces overlooking the sea appear among olive trees and prickly pears during the descent. We also can see houses and villas with beautiful terraces and gardens.
Once in the Arienzo district, we walked for 15 minutes towards La Sponda, another section of Positano. It was easy to get to the main center and the beach. Magical day! We felt like we ended up in some movie: between the shots made in the square by a foreign director, tourists taking photos at every corner, and the city's unique style.