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Montagnana (PD) - Cathedral of Santa Maria - One of the most beautiful villages in Italy - Veneto

The city has been awarded the Orange Flag for its historical beauty and the enhancement of typical products... #tuttitaly

Montagnana (PD) - Cathedral of Santa Maria - One of the most beautiful villages in Italy - Veneto

In the Veneto, at the foot of the Euganean hills, stands the city of Montagnana, one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, which has been awarded the Orange Flag for its historical beauty and the promotion of typical products.

Visiting the village

Montagnana is surrounded by a wall spaced out by 24 towers arranged in a circle.

The oldest part of the village is the San Zeno Castle and the Mastio, built by Ezzelino da Romano for defensive purposes.

Previously there was a moat all around. The water bathed not only the external part of the walls but also two internal squares, one in front of the castle and the other in front of the Rocca degli Alberi. The latter, built by Francesco il Vecchio of Carrara in 1360, has three coats of arms: the Municipality of Padua, of Francesco il Vecchio, and the Carraresi.

The beating heart of Montagnana is Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, an elegant hall, in the center of which stands the statue of King Vittorio Emanuele.

The statue is in the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, an imposing religious building with late Gothic forms.

Inside the Cathedral, we can admire the Transfiguration by Paolo Veronese, three tables by Giovanni Buonconsiglio, and a sizeable votive canvas reproducing the battle of Lepanto (1571).

Typical product

Montagnana is the homeland of Berico Euganeo d.o.p. raw ham, an ideal base for hors d'oeuvres, first and second courses of a high gastronomic level.

When to visit the village

A big festival dedicated to Prosciutto di Montagnana lasts ten days in May. It is an excellent opportunity to visit the beautiful walled city.

In August, the Sagra dell'Assunta is held. For the occasion, the wall around the walls is flooded like in the past, creating a particularly suggestive scenario.

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