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Mantua (MN) - UNESCO World Heritage Site - Lombardy

It is one of the most beautiful cities in Lombardy, the richest in art and culture. Since 2008, the “Mantova and Sabbioneta” site has been part of the #UNESCO World Heritage List... #tuttitaly

Mantua (MN) - UNESCO World Heritage Site - Lombardy

Mantua, one of the most beautiful cities in Lombardy, stands on the bank of the Mincio River, where the waters form a deep bend that embraces the city and creates the Upper Lake, the Middle Lake, and the Lower Lake.

This aristocratic city is rich in art and culture. Its cultural and artistic flowering period began in 1328, thanks to Luigi Gonzaga. The name of the Gonzagas remained linked to the fate of the city and the Duchy until 1360 when Mantua gave up on the siege of the Austrians.

Annexed to the Lombard-Venetian kingdom, the city fought for independence and national unity for a long time. Its Risorgimento history is marked by the tragic episode of the "martyrs of Belfiore."

The first thing to see in Mantua is the Palazzo Ducale, with its 500 frescoed and decorated rooms by artists such as Giulio Romano, Raffaello, and Mantegna.

The numerous buildings connected by corridors and galleries, courtyards, and gardens make this beautiful place similar to an actual city - a palace that extends over approximately 35,000 m².

Near Piazza Delle Erbe are two other splendid buildings: Palazzo Della Ragione and Palazzo del Podestà (1227). The latter is one of the oldest medieval public buildings in the city. And next to the two buildings, the fifteenth-century Clock Tower stands out.

Palazzo Te stands among the most beautiful places in Mantua, surrounded by greenery and conceived as a place of leisure and social life for Prince Federico II Gonzaga.

The Cathedral presents itself with its Romanesque bell tower, the Gothic right side, and a neoclassical facade. Also, do not miss a visit to the Basilica of Sant'Andrea.

Leon Battista Alberti designed this and houses work by Mantegna, Correggio, and Giulio Romano.

You can visit the city by bike. This will allow you to observe every street where traces of the mighty Gonzagas are kept. These gentlemen loved her so much and gave her beautifully decorated palaces.

Mantua, the home of the poet Virgil, is full of priceless art treasures. It will win you over with its aristocratic charm.

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