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Frontino (PU) - One of the most beautiful villages in Italy - Montefeltro - Marche

Breathtaking landscapes and the pleasure of discovering a small corner of art and history surrounded by nature... #tuttitaly

Frontino (PU) - One of the most beautiful villages in Italy - Montefeltro - Marche

In the presence of Monte di Carpegna, Frontino rises a small village with a picturesque shape.

Once you enter the village, there is a pleasant atmosphere. The streets are paved with pebbles from Mutino, and the terraced houses are adorned with flowers and plants. Remarkable is the care that the 290 inhabitants of the place dedicated to it. Our gaze is lost in a thousand details and then sweeps across the surrounding panoramas. It seems to be in an ancient living room.

The origins of the village date back to the prehistoric and Roman periods, as evidenced by the archaeological remains of the Alta Valle del Pisaurus (Foglia) and tributaries in the locality of Camarchino, Linara, Casa Nuova, Castellaro.

The origins of the Castle disputed between the Malatesta of Rimini and the Dukes of Montefeltro probably date back to the year 1100.

But the inhabitants already call the historical center the Rock, perched on a spur overlooking the suggestive Mutino Valley. This welcomes you with its majestic fountain, flowers, and works of art. Getting away becomes almost a regret because it is an ideal place to stop and enjoy peace—a little paradise.

To embellish the village, and to make it even more fascinating, is the small Titano Theater, in the middle of the green.

The Franciscan Convent of Montefiorentino, the Mill of Ponte Vecchio, and the Monastery of San Girolamo are worth a visit.

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