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Forlimpopoli (FC) - Emilia Romagna

Famous for the famous writer and gastronome Pellegrino Artusi... #tuttitaly

Forlimpopoli (FC) - Emilia Romagna

Forlimpopoli has initiatives and events for every palate: Gastronomy, art, history, culture, music, and traditions. Many events take place in Forlimpopoli all year round.

I have been there during its splendid Carnival called Segavecchia, the oldest festival in Forlimpopoli, whose history comprises myths and legends.

"Legend has it that a young bride, finding herself pregnant in time of Lent, gripped by a great desire for a" Bolognese sausage, "and this desire was so great, she swallowed it still whole raw; a grave sin for which she would have been condemned to death: dead sawed in half. It is said that the young woman, in order not to be recognized during her passage through the streets of the town, disguised herself as an elderly woman, "old" precisely, dirtying her face with mud, tearing her clothes, and covering himself with rags, and covering his head with a handkerchief. When she reached the gallows, the "executioners" waited for her, brandishing a giant lumberjack saw, an instrument with which they had inflicted the terrible punishment "Cit.:

Forlimpopoli is the town of Pellegrino Artusi, with its Italian cuisine: 790 recipes in the name of good taste and still constitute a current proposal that conditions modern cuisine.

Its imposing Fortress, one of the best preserved in Romagna, dominates the historic city center and the main square named after Giuseppe Garibaldi.

I recommend a visit to Forlimpopoli not only for its rich artistic and cultural heritage but also for its excellent cuisine.

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