The Inline Hockey team that plays in the Serie A National Championship... #tuttitaly
We are in the splendid Ferrara, recognized by Unesco as a World Heritage Site by Humanity precisely for being considered the first modern city in Europe and named the cradle of the Renaissance.
Ferrara Hockey, a.s.d. was born in this beautiful city. Thus becoming part of the elite top-flight teams in July 2004.
HIL (Inline Hockey) is a sport regulated by the Italian Roller Sports Federation and recognized by the C.O.N.I.
A healthy and exciting sport is increasingly known and practiced in Italy and Europe. The Ferrara Hockey a.s.d. boasts a team that plays in the Serie A National Championship, a league in which ten representative teams from different Italian regions play.
Values, victories, and awards described by the team:
The passion for our sport moves and stimulates us to make it known, grow and last over time: for this reason, with enthusiasm and commitment, we give life every year to promotional initiatives at Ferrara schools and create occasions in which children and young people, with their families, get closer to Inline Hockey.
We organize moments of aggregation of our little athletes even outside the sporting experience to feed the sense of friendship and, therefore, of a team, convinced that the person's wealth is to be built from an early age and shared with others.
The whole working group is involved in this, strictly voluntarily, each with their skills: managers, technicians, coaches, and above all, the families of the athletes who participate with enthusiasm.
We create opportunities for transversal training: the same First Team athletes coach the boys of the youth teams to develop beautiful bonds, so much so that we have the warmest youth supporters in the Serie A Championship!
And ... we are reaping ripe fruits: in recent years, the youth teams repeatedly have qualified to compete in the national stages.
During the 2017-2018 sports year, Ferrara Hockey, with its skating school, won the Fratelli di sports contest launched by the C.O.N.I., where our values have been nationally recognized.
Here are some desirable numbers reached in 2022:
- 4 teams between Senior and Youth categories
- more than 120 athletes
- 5,000 visitors/year to their web pages
- 1,800 likes on their Facebook profile
- 1,200 followers between Instagram and Twitter
- 1 YouTube channel with videos of all Serie A championship matches and highlights of those playing at home. Since 2021 they have enriched the channel with live streaming of all the games played in Ferrara by their youth teams.
Furthermore, if you come to Ferrara, let yourself be conquered by the Ferrara gastronomic tradition with its typical products of excellence:
The coppia is famous, the tasty Ferrara bread with an elaborate shape, awarded with the IGP mark; very popular are the cappellacci, Tortelli stuffed with pumpkin and parmesan, and the pasticcio di maccheroni, a proper synthesis of courtly traditions; an unusual mixture of pork, is the Salama da Sugo—finally, the pampepato, a spice cake coated with a melted chocolate crust.
Ferrara is touched by the "Via Delle Corti Estensi" and the "Via del Grande Fiume" of the Roads of Wines and Flavors.