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Contursi Terme (SA) - Mother Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli - Campania

Historians fix its birth in the year 840 when Orso, Count of Conza, guaranteed Salerno the presence of a military outpost on the hill that dominated the entire valley... #tuttitaly

Contursi Terme (SA) - Mother Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli - Campania

On a small hill overlooking the Sele Valley stands Contursi Terme. The Tanagro and Sele rivers bathe the municipality, and several thermal structures are on the latter's banks.

The hill where Contursi stands today saw the birth of an actual urban center only after the fall of the Roman Empire when the inhabitants of the mountain where Sagginara stood pushed inland to defend themselves from the barbarians and Saracens.

The historic center still retains one of its ancient entrances, the "Scala longa," one of the most evocative spaces in the village, located at the top of a staircase, from which it takes its name.

The primary example of a military structure is the Rosapepe Castle, built in 840 by Count Orso, who was born as a defensive structure to counter the Normans and then transformed, in 1675, into a noble residence.

Among the religious architectures noteworthy are: the Church of the Child Jesus, born for the devotion of Saints John and Lucia; the Church of Santa Maria Delle Grazie; the Church of San Vito, famous for the worship of its faithful, which usually three laps around the chapel and then make a wish; the Church of Santa Sofia, built in 1338, known for the tradition of the tredicina linked to the cult of Sant'Antonio;

and finally the Church of Sant'Antonio al Ponte, known for the large plaque placed outside it and for the statue of its saint which, every June 13, is carried in procession through the streets of the town.

The locality is best known for its natural baths. Completely immersed in the beauty of nature, Contursi allows you to fully experience a global holiday capable of regenerating the body and relaxing the mind.

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