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Codigoro (FE) - Emilia Romagna

Caput Gauri, from which the current toponym derives, was the name given to the center in medieval times since it stood at the point where the branch of Goro was born or joined the addition of the Volano... #tuttitaly

Codigoro (FE) - Emilia Romagna

Codigoro is an essential agricultural center in the lower Ferrara area, whose historical evolution is linked to the secular events of the reclamation action.

In addition to being a large agricultural center, Codigoro has also acquired industrial importance, especially in processing and transforming agricultural products.

The toponym derives from Caput Gauri, a name given to the center in medieval times, given that it stood where the Po di Goro branch joined the Po di Volano branch.

Among the most outstanding buildings is the Palazzo del Vescovo, built in the 11th century and restored in the 18th century in the Venetian style.

Worth a visit is the splendid Pomposa Abbey, whose origins date back to the 6th century and which welcomed illustrious personalities of the time, including Guido d'Arezzo - the monk who invented musical writing based on the seven-note system.

Birdwatchers can go to the Oasis of Canneviè, a small brackish valley and an ancient valley relict of a vast complex of coastal lagoons surrounding the Pomposa Abbey.


In September, the Antica Fiera di Santa Croce is set up - one of the most critical events in Codigoro.


A real delicacy is the Tortiglione - a typical and ancient dessert of the lower Ferrara area.

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