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Civitella Del Tronto (TE) - Church of San Francesco - One of the most beautiful villages in Italy - Abruzzo

Record of the "Ruetta d'Italia, the narrowest road", complete with an official plate...#tuttitaly

In the north of Abruzzo, in the province of Teramo, stands one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, called Civitella del Tronto.

We enter the village through Porta Napoli and are greeted by the main square, which looks like a large terrace and gives us a splendid panoramic view. From here, we enter the streets of the city. Between stairways and ramps, we meet important churches, medieval and Renaissance buildings, and noble palaces.

Our destination, however, is the Bourbon Fortress, which dominates the entire valley. We cannot fail to visit this place rich in history, which takes us back in time, testifying how the past and the present coexist.

Upon returning from the fortress, we come across the so-called Ruetta, the narrowest road in Italy, through which only one person can pass at a time.

Furthermore, included in the ticket for the fortress, we visited the textile museum Museo Nina, which, with its 3000 pieces, brought us back to the everyday life of a time now past.

A visit that fills the eyes with amazement and the heart with gratitude!

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