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Castel del Monte (AQ) - Church of S. Rocco - Most beautiful villages in Italy - Gran Sasso - Abruzzo

It is considered the capital of shepherds, a village of wool and transhumance. In the past, the cubic-shaped stone located in front of the Church of San Rocco was used as a sacred guarantor for repayments of money loans and the sale of buildings and land... #tuttitaly

Castel del Monte (AQ) - Church of S. Rocco - Most beautiful villages in Italy - Gran Sasso - Abruzzo

Castel del Monte, a picturesque village in Abruzzo, is a true gem of the "Most Beautiful Villages in Italy" club. Its historic center offers a fascinating visit, rich in history and architectural beauty.

Historic center

The tour can start from Porta S. Rocco, which was part of the ancient defensive walls of the village.

Continuing along the path, you arrive at the suggestive Church of S. Rocco, dating back to 1656. This church is famous for the cubic-shaped stone located in front of it, which was once used as a sacred guarantee for loan repayments and the sale of properties and land.

Continuing along Via Duca Degli Abruzzi, you can admire one of the three ancient ovens in the village, which testify to the importance of local craftsmanship in the past.

Next, you reach the Palazzo del Governatore, dating back to the 15th century, and the Palazzo Colelli, both heavily renovated due to various historical events. Despite their small size, these palaces retain charm and historical importance.

Continuing along the path, you reach Porta S. Maria, which offers a spectacular panoramic view of the surrounding landscape.

Descending further, you arrive near the Baroque Church of Madonna del Suffragio, which houses a 12-meter-high altar carved in wood and gilded. This altar is considered a true artistic masterpiece. From the outside of the church, you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the surrounding mountains, with the famous Rocca Calascio standing in the distance.

The Church of Santa Caterina is another important religious building in the historic center of Castel del Monte. Dating back to the 13th century, it features a Romanesque-Gothic architectural style and preserves frescoes and works of art of great historical and artistic value.

The Casa Comunale, dating back to the 15th century, features a Renaissance-style facade and preserves original frescoes and decorations that testify to the wealth and historical importance of Castel del Monte.

Il Ricetto is the original village of Castel del Monte, a fortified medieval village that developed around the ancient castle. Here, you can admire the old walls, stone houses, and characteristic alleys that retain the past's atmosphere.

Unfortunately, the ancient castle was no longer present in this area, and its tower is still visible today as an integral part of the Mother Church of San Marco Evangelista.

This church, the most important and ancient in Castel del Monte, dates back to the 12th century and features a Romanesque-Gothic architectural style. Inside, you can admire frescoes, sculptures, and works of art of great historical and artistic value, which tell the story and culture of this fascinating Abruzzo village.

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