In the heart of Lazio, there is a lake that, in addition to showing itself in all its beauty, hides more than one mystery: the ghost lake of Canterno... #tuttitaly
About a hundred kilometers from Rome, in the province of Frosinone, is the largest lake of karst origin in Lazio, Lake Canterno.
Despite being near busy roads, it is surrounded by a magical, almost surreal atmosphere.
The lake's origins are uncertain, but it is said that it formed in 1821 when the Pertuso sinkhole was blocked by debris. The waters flooded the large basin, initially occupied by cultivated fields.
On this occasion, the inhabitants of the surrounding areas lost their crops and had to devote themselves to fishing.
The lake is famous for its instability. The waters tended to dry up for days, months, or even years before filling up again. Although in 1945, the sinkhole was artificially blocked and a small hydroelectric power station was built, this particular peculiarity has not entirely disappeared.
The lake was called "Ghost" due to a curious phenomenon: the fish present in abundance mysteriously disappeared during dry periods and then reappeared when the reservoir filled up again. This mystery enveloped the lake for years. So what happened to t
In 1943 there was the opportunity to explore "Pertuso," On this occasion, the connection with an underground cave
was discovered, where the fish took refuge when the waters dried up.
Particularly fascinating is the image of the two massive rocky peaks of Monna and Rotonaria, which in winter are reflected in the blue waters in the snow and appear at sunset tinged with red, purple, and purple.