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Biagioni and Randaragna - Alto Reno Terme (BO) - Emilia Romagna

At the time, only in Biagioni was it possible to cross the Reno river, crossing the ancient bridge of Romanesque origin ... #tuttitaly

Biagioni and Randaragna - Alto Reno Terme (BO) - Emilia Romagna

On the left bank of the Reno, at 521 m above sea level, stands Biagioni. The village has about 23 residents.

The first settlements date back to 1400. The house, called "Maremmana," located near the bridge, dates back to that period.

The bridge over the river Reno, whose structure dates back to the 19th century, was, in past centuries, the only bridge in the long stretch from Ponte della Venturina to Pracchia.

Near the bridge is a building indicated as the

headquarters of the customs of the Papal State and of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany. In the early 1600s, the Church dedicated to San Giovanni Battista was built.

Typical local dishes

Worthy of mention is the tortellone montanaro, to which a folk festival is dedicated every first weekend of August.


Enclosed in the municipality of Alto Reno Terme, the Randaragna torrent is a tributary of the Reno River. It falls along the mountain's steep sides, forming a stream full of waterfalls.

The abundance of water in all seasons made it the ideal

place to establish wheat and chestnut milling activities, essential for the survival of the local population.

Over time, the historic mills have had to give way to progress.

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