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Assisi and the Basilica of San Francesco d'Assisi (PG) - UNESCO Heritage - Umbria

One of the most prestigious cultural and tourist centers in Europe... #tuttitaly #UNESCO

Assisi and the Basilica of San Francesco d'Assisi (PG) - UNESCO Heritage - Umbria

We remain in the beautiful region of Umbria, in one of the most famous Italian locations. One of the most prestigious cultural and tourist centers in Europe.

Live and present are the memories of St. Francis here in Assisi. His vast cult and the mission of peace and

brotherhood carried out by his saint made the city the "capital of peace," with its International Center for Peace among Peoples—the Table of Peace and the annual Perugia-Assisi Peace March.

By visiting the Basilica of San Francesco, you will satisfy your need for inner balance and spiritual energy, a mystical place that will surely overwhelm you.

I list some curiosities about this astounding Basilica:

- Inside, you can admire the extraordinary frescoes by Giotto and Cimabue.

- The church, like Assisi, is built with the white stone of Mount Subasio, which turns pink during the day to shine white under the moon.

- The hill where it was built was known in the Middle Ages as the "Colle dell Inferno" because those sentenced to death were buried. However, when the first stone of the Basilica was laid, the hill was renamed "Colle del Paradiso."

It took about 25 years to complete the construction, from 1228 to 1253.

The basilica stands right where St. Francis had decided to be buried. His body is buried under the altar of the Lower Basilica of Assisi. His tomb is accessed via two flights of stairs. The place, deliberately bare, constitutes the heart of the Franciscan sanctuary.

The Saint died at the Porziuncola on the evening of 3 October 1226. In the "Special Ecclesia," you will find so much beauty, harmony, and sacredness. You will have the honor of visiting, admiring, and contemplating one of the most spiritual places in the world, which has been called "the most beautiful house of prayer that the earth boasts."

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