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Porto Recanati (MC) - Marche

A privileged destination for relaxing summer holidays, it is a welcoming seaside resort where you can breathe a particular atmosphere of tranquility, ideal for families and children with an exciting nightlife... #tuttitaly

Porto Recanati (MC) - Marche

A typical fishing town, Porto Recanati is a welcoming seaside resort where you can breathe a particular atmosphere of tranquility, ideal for families.

The bathing establishments make the stay comfortable for lovers of sun and relaxation. The beach is made up of coarse sand and pebbles, and the water becomes high almost immediately, but diving into the sea while looking at Mount Conero can be a great experience.

The beautiful seafront, wholly closed to traffic, resembles a living room by the sea, ideal for pleasant walks or bike rides among the colorful houses of the town.

During your stay in Porto Recanati, do not miss a visit to the Swabian Castle and the Sea Museum.

Swabian Castle

In the central square of Porto Recanati stands the Castello Svevo, built in the XIII century at the behest of Frederick II of Swabia.

Built as a defense against pirate attacks, the entire city life took place inside.

The castle houses the library, the municipal art gallery, and the permanent archaeological exhibition "Divi & Dei," a small taste of what can be seen in the archaeological area of ​​the Roman colony of Potentia. In the large courtyard, we find the arena named after the tenor from Recanati Beniamino Gigli, which becomes a stage for theatrical and musical performances during the summer.

Sea Museum

To visit the museum telling the story of the fishing town, we must go to the former fish market, a 5-minute walk from the historic center. Inside, artifacts related to maritime traditions are kept and exhibited.

An exciting visit is also for children who will be amazed by the whale's skull in the Adriatic Sea and the extensive collection of shells, fossils, and crustaceans.

The museum also finds the decree signed by King

Umberto I in 1893, with which he grants Porto Recanati autonomy from Recanati.


Among the dishes of traditional cuisine, we mention the Porto Recanati brodetto, formed by a succulent soup of various types of poor fish cooked together in a pan with tomato. Brodetto Week takes place every year in June.

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