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Vagli Lake - Vagli Sotto (LU) - Park of Honor and Dishonor - Tibetan Bridge - Apuan Alps - Garfagnana - Tuscany

In the beautiful scenery of Lake Vagli, the Park of Honor and Dishonor becomes a place of introspection... #tuttitaly

Vagli Lake - Vagli Sotto (LU) - Park of Honor and Dishonor - Tibetan Bridge - Apuan Alps - Garfagnana - Tuscany

On the shore of Lake Vagli, at the foot of the majestic Tibetan Bridge suspended over the water, the evocative "Park of Honor and Dishonor" extends. This unique place was conceived by the creativity of Mario Puglia, former mayor of Vagli, and hosts a collection of precious marble statues portraying current affairs figures.

Immersed in an atmosphere of reflection and contemplation, the path that leads to the park winds through lush vegetation.

The statues, arranged along the entire area, are highly symbolic.

Each figure tells a unique story of honor or dishonor, but the two sides have no clear separation. The park invites us to reflect on the nuances of the human condition and the complexity of actions and choices that can lead to both honor and dishonor.

Through the statues of figures such as Francesco Schettino and Commander Gregorio de Falco, the park invites us to reflect on the responsibilities and consequences of our actions.

The statues of Diesel, the police dog sadly killed by terrorists in France, of Fabrizio Quattrocchi, a soldier kidnapped and killed in Iraq, and of Alexander Prokhorenko, a young Russian soldier who ordered his position in Syria to be bombed to defeat ISIS, recall the courage and sacrifice of those who lost their lives in tragic circumstances.

The "Park of Honor and Dishonor" thus becomes a place of introspection, where visitors can confront their ideas of honor and dishonor and reflect on the moral nuances that permeate our existence.

It is an invitation to explore the complexity of the human being and to seek a greater understanding of the actions and choices that define us. At the same time, the Tibetan Bridge, with its majesty, creates a unique atmosphere that amplifies the experience of this extraordinary place.

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