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Populonia, hamlet of Piombino (LI) - The most beautiful villages in Italy - Gulf of Baratti - Tuscany

It was born in the Etruscan era as a real fortified complex, today it is an example of perfect integration between ancient and modern... #tuttitaly

Populonia (LI)- The most beautiful villages in Italy- Fraction of Piombino- Gulf of Baratti- Tuscany

Populonia is one of the most romantic villages I've ever visited. Our destination was the Castle, born as a naturally fortified complex. It is equipped with a lookout tower and defensive walls and is located where the upper town of Populonia stood in the Etruscan era.

Passing through the only access door obtained in the walls, you find yourself immersed in a small jewel, which represents an example of perfect integration between ancient and modern: the buildings of the medieval village, today house craft shops and local products, structures of refreshment inserted inside the medieval architectures without distorting too much the original aspect.

I left a part of myself ... could it have been the Tuscan aperitif with a view of the sea and the sunset? 😍

The village has a delightful terrace frequented by both tourists and locals. This fills up, especially for the evening aperitif. It is famous for its view of the beautiful sea, which shows us the sunset spectacle.

In this village, you will enjoy a happy atmosphere.

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