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Parma (PR) - Basilica of Santa Maria - Churches of Santa Cristina and San Vitale - Emilia Romagna

Its center, full of masterpieces, spacious green areas, and treasures from different eras, welcomes visitors in a refined atmosphere of a small capital... #tuttitaly

Parma (PR) - Basilica of Santa Maria - Churches of Santa Cristina and San Vitale - Emilia Romagna

Parma is a university city located in the northern area of ​​Emilia-Romagna. Its center, full of artistic masterpieces, spacious green rooms, and treasures from different eras, welcomes visitors in a refined atmosphere of a small capital.

What to see

Piazza Garibaldi is the center of municipal life where the Governor's Palace stands, with its baroque tower preserving the bell of the very high civic building which collapsed in 1606.

In Piazza Duomo, the highest artistic-religious

expressions of the city stand with the Cathedral dedicated to the Assumption, begun around 1059 and consecrated in 1106.

The Baptistery, covered with pink Verona marble, is octagonal to symbolize eternity. Work of Benedetto Antelami, architect of the XII century, the structure consists of three portals: the main one, to the north on Piazza Duomo, is called the Portal of the Virgin; to the west, the Portal of the Redeemer; and the Portal of the Baptist, from which the catechumens entered to be admitted to the sacrament of baptism.

The Monumental Complex of the Pilotta, an ancient

service palace of the Farnese family, houses the Archaeological Museum, the Palatine Library, the National Gallery, and the Farnese Theater, whose external courtyard shows and concerts are staged every summer.

The Basilica della Steccata was built where an oratory initially existed, the seat of a Confraternity named after the Virgin of the Annunciation, which took care of the marriage dowries of poor girls of marriageable age. An effigy of a Madonna intent on breastfeeding was made on the façade of the oratory. It became an object of worship and pilgrimage by the people of Parma.

To protect the sacred image, it was therefore decided to erect a Sanctuary dedicated to the Madonna della Steccata in 1521.


Parma is famous for its PDO Parma Ham and PDO Parmigiano Reggiano.

The first courses are also delicious: cappelletti or anolini in broth, fresh pasta stuffed with stew cooked in a meat broth and served mainly during Christmas.

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