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Curon Venosta (BZ) - Lake Rèsia - Venosta Valley - Trentino-Alto Adige

In German, Graun has about 2000 inhabitants, 97% native German speakers... #tuttitaly

Curon Venosta, also known as Graun in German, is a charming municipality located in the province of Bolzano in South Tyrol. This picturesque town has just over two thousand inhabitants, and the vast majority of them, precisely 97%, speak German as their mother tongue.

Curon Venosta is a place rich in history and culture, with a unique atmosphere that reflects the German influence in the region. Its inhabitants are proud of their linguistic identity and keep the traditions and customs of the German community alive.

The municipality of Curon Venosta also offers a splendid natural setting, with Lake Resia extending nearby. This lake is famous for its distinctive bell tower emerging from its waters, an iconic region symbol. The bell tower belonged to the old town of Curon, submerged by the waters of the artificial lake created to construct a dam in the 1950s.

Today, the bell tower has become a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors from all over the world.

The presence of the German language in Curon Venosta is a distinctive element that contributes to the cultural richness and diversity of the region. This municipality is a fascinating place to immerse yourself in German culture and enjoy the natural beauty that surrounds it.

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