It was built on the remains of a Hellenistic temple dedicated to Venus Euplea, the Venus of good navigation. Inside, it is said that there is a statue of a miraculous Madonna, known for having repeatedly revived the fortunes of the city during the plague period... #tuttitaly
The Cathedral of San Ciriaco is an essential symbol of Ancona for its geographical location and historical and religious significance. It is one of the most interesting medieval churches in the Marche region, with Byzantine and Gothic architectural elements. It stands on a hill formerly called Promontory Cumero, which means "mountain opposite the sea" in Greek. Later, it was called Colle di San Ciriaco or Colle Guasco, named after Colonel Cesare Guasco, who built important fortifications towards the sea.
The Cathedral of San Ciriaco was built on the remains of a Hellenistic temple dedicated to Venus Euplea, the goddess of good navigation. This temple was destroyed by an earthquake in 558, which also leveled the city of Numana.
Despite the damage suffered during the two world wars and the 1972 earthquake, the cathedral has been restored to its austere splendor. Its central plan, shaped like a Greek cross, is topped by a slender Gothic dome.
The dome, covered with metal plates, is considered one of Italy's oldest and most perfect.
Inside the Cathedral, in the left wing, is the monument to Pietro Ghinelli, created by Giovanni Dalmata da Traù in 1509. In the chapel of the Madonna, in the right wing, is the splendid altar by Luigi Vanvitelli from 1738. In the right transept, there is the Chapel of the Crucifix.
The left crypt, belonging to the oldest church, houses the urns of the patrons of the diocese: San Ciriaco, San Liberio, and San Marcellino.