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Basilica of the Blessed Virgin of Ghiara - Reggio Emilia (RE) - Emilia Romagna

The construction is linked to the young Marchino, deaf-mute since birth, who, on 29 April 1596, miraculously obtained speech and hearing while praying in front of an image of the Madonna painted by Bertone. At that point, there is a marble memory... #tuttitaly

Basilica of the Blessed Virgin of Ghiara - Reggio Emilia (RE) - Emilia Romagna

The Basilica of Madonna della Ghiara is one of the most important Marian sanctuaries in Italy and was born out of the faith and devotion of the people of Reggio towards the Virgin Mary. Its origin is linked to the presence of the Servants of Mary in Reggio Emilia, who settled in the city in 1313 and built a convent and a church dedicated to the Most Holy Annunciation in the area called "Ghiara." 1517, a larger second church dedicated to the Nativity of Our Lord was built. An image of the Madonna with Child was frescoed on the wall of the friars' garden, which became an object of veneration for the people of Reggio and visitors.

In the following years, the fresco of the Madonna of the "Canton dei Servi" deteriorated due to the weather. In 1569, the painter Lelio Orsi created a new design, which Giovanni Bianchi frescoed. This unique image attracted more and more faithful, and building a small chapel inside the friars' garden became necessary.

On April 29, 1596, a miracle occurred: a young deaf-mute named Marchino went to the oratory of the Virgin and, praying intensely, regained his hearing, speech, and speaking ability. The miracle news spread throughout the city, and the Bishop of Reggio established a commission to examine the facts.

Pope Clement VIII approved the miracle and allowed for the public veneration of the image.

The Municipality of Reggio Emilia built a grand sanctuary to honor the miraculous image. The new temple, designed by Alessandro Balbo and built by Francesco Pacchioni, was erected following the central plan tradition of Marian sanctuaries. The consecration ceremony occurred on May 12, 1619, in an immense crowd of faithful and the ducal court.

The Basilica of Madonna della Ghiara is a unique example of architecture and art from the Counter-Reformation period. Its decoration features the most famous artists of the time, such as Leonello Spada, Alessandro Tiarini, Carlo Bononi, Camillo Gavassetti, Ludovico Carracci, and Guercino. Visiting the sanctuary is like visiting a rich art gallery of Emilian art from the 17th century, with the difference that the paintings are still visible in the place for which they were intended.

Madonna della Ghiara's sanctuary is still a place of great devotion and attracts numerous pilgrims and visitors.

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