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Codiponte, hamlet of Casola in Lunigiana (MS) - Apuan Alps - Tuscany

The population is around 200, and the village is located in the shadow of the Apuan Alps...#tuttitaly

Codiponte, hamlet of Casola in Lunigiana (MS) - Apuan Alps - Tuscany

The village of Codiponte is a fascinating place, rich in history and charm. Its ancient streets tell of a vibrant past where trade and activities flourished along the Aulella River. The bridge that crosses the river, with its chapel in the center, almost seems to guard the secrets of those distant times.

Going up towards Ugliancaldo, you can imagine the journey of the travelers who traveled the roads coming from Luni and heading towards Emilia, Velleia, and Piacenza.

With its thousand-year history, the parish church transports us even further back in time, before the arrival of the Malaspina della Verrucola family. It is as if the stones tell the stories of a bygone era.

The upper part of the town, with the remains of the castle, is mysterious and fascinating. The vegetation surrounding it seems to want to hide the secrets of a distant time, but the traces of a medieval palace and a possible church make us imagine a life of power and defense.

But Codiponte is not just history and ancient ruins. The surrounding nature, with the protected area and the hill to the north, gives us a breathtaking landscape. The remains of the old convent of the Franciscan nuns tell us of a life dedicated to spirituality in a place of peace and serenity.

Crossing the lower village, with its Romanesque bridge, you can almost feel the energy of past centuries.

With its three arches and the chapel in the center, this bridge almost seems like a portal to another dimension, a place where time stops and devotion is felt.

The village of Codiponte is a place that deserves to be discovered and experienced, a place where history and nature come together in a unique union.

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