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Castelluccio di Norcia and Pian Perduto (PG and MC) - Umbria and Marche border

Back in 1522, the army of Visso faced the army of Norcia for the conquest of the northernmost plain of Castelluccio. Visso's army prevailed and the plain took the name of Pian Perduto... #tuttitaly

Castelluccio di Norcia and Pian Perduto (PG and MC) - Umbria and Marche border

Castelluccio di Norcia is a charming place in Italy's Umbria region. An earthquake hit this small village in 2016, but its inhabitants are dedicated to its rebirth.

In the spring of 2019, two businesses were reopened in the historic center, the Agriturismo Locanda de' Senari and the Bottega Alberobello, a sign of the slow recovery.

The natural beauty of this area is simply breathtaking. The mountains that surround Castelluccio offer unique and picturesque scenery, creating a magical atmosphere. The village is on top of a hill overlooking the plateau of the same name, at the foot of Mount Vettore. You can admire the view of three plains from here: Pian Grande, Pian Piccolo, and Pian Perduto.

Pian Perduto is located on the border between Umbria and Marche. Its history is linked to a series of conflicts in the 16th century between the Visso army and the Norcia army for control of the territory.

In 1522, the Visso troops managed to defeat the Norcia army and conquer the plateau of Castelluccio. From that moment, the place took the name Pian Perduto.


The area is famous for producing lentils, which are used to prepare traditional Umbrian dishes such as lentil soup and pasta with lentils. Additionally, you can taste other typical local products, such as pecorino cheese and cured meats.

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