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Sansepolcro (AR) - Tuscany

The City of Art and the author invite you to get to know its masterpieces, its ancient traditions, its craftsmanship, and its modern industries in a green setting of old beauty... #tuttitaly

Sansepolcro (AR) - Tuscany

Sansepolcro, a beautiful village perched in the Tuscan hills, is famous for being the birthplace of one of the most famous artists: Piero della Francesca.

If you decide you want to discover the city, I suggest you pay a visit to the Civic Museum where the "Resurrection of Christ" is kept, one of the most famous works by Piero della Francesca, defined as "the best painting in the world" by a famous British writer.

The historic center, struck by a long history of earthquakes, external attacks, and struggles between the various city factions, has retained the characteristics of an author's center.

Sansepolcro is also famous for its crossbows, weapons of an ancient tradition that trained citizens used to defend themselves against attacks from neighbors. Today, in memory of that historical period and of the weapons which, if used with skill, had a great capacity for destruction, we have the "Palio della Balestra," which invades the village streets in September.

Visiting the city, you can stop to visit the con cathedral basilica of San Giovanni Evangelista to admire the works of Perugino and Andrea della Robbia.

Also noteworthy are: the 14th-century Palazzo Pretorio and the 16th-century Palazzo delle Laudi.

The village's name is linked to the relics of the Holy Sepulcher, which, in the 10th century, would have been brought here from the Holy Land. The village then developed around the chapel where they were kept.

The industrial development of the city dates back to 1827, the year of the birth of Buitoni, the critical food industry that, from here, has developed internationally.

Sansepolcro allows you to visit its masterpieces, ancient traditions, craftsmanship, and modern industries in a green setting of old beauty.

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