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Eremo di Ronzano - Bologna (BO) - Emilia Romagna

It is located 300 meters above sea level, on one of the hills overlooking the city of Bologna, with a beautiful landscape surrounded by vineyards... #tuttitaly

Eremo di Ronzano - Bologna (BO) - Emilia Romagna

About 2 km south of the historic center of Bologna on a hill adjacent to Colle della Guardia (where the Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca stands), among oaks, centuries-old chestnut trees, and cypresses, stands the Hermitage of Ronzano.

The Hermitage of Ronzano is a single-story convent with 18 cells and corridors that surround the abbey.

Around the hermitage are cultivations of vines and kiwis; a scenic walk leads up to Villa Ghigi.

A noble Bolognese woman, Cremonina Piatesi, had a hermitage and chapel built in Ronzano in 1140. She consecrated to the Divine Trinity, intending to live in contemplation and harmony - in an oasis of peace.

Today, the Hermitage is open to anyone wishing to reflect in an isolated environment surrounded by nature.

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