The fortified village of Castello di Serravalle has ancient origins and retains all its medieval charm intact today... #tuttitaly
The Castle of Serravalle is a fortified medieval village with buildings in the center of which the castle was born. It is located in the first hills of the Apennines, about 30 km from the city of Bologna in the Valsamoggia area. It is easily accessible as the SP77 road passes practically in front of the entrance to the village.
Castello di Serravalle is located halfway between Bologna and Modena, two cities that, for many years, have always been at odds with each other during the Middle Ages. Its geographical position has given this place a troubled history. After many battles, Bologna prevailed until the moment the Castle passed from the hands of the Visconti, Bentivoglio, and other realities until it returned to the papal state.
The Serravalle Castle hides its legend. It is said that the ghosts of the victims of a member of the Boccadiferro family roam in the fortress and the palace. This cruel
castellan married 12 women who killed one after the other by throwing them into the well inside the castle. It seems that the ghosts of these poor wives continue to seek revenge by chasing the evil dead consort, who was also murdered by the last wife, who was probably more intelligent. The female presences seem to manifest themselves with particular scents in the air, while the lamentations that are heard are attributed to the cruel Castellan.
The Serravalle toll booth shows itself to tourists as a clean and well-kept village. Of particular interest is the
Ecomuseum, which maintains the museum in the Palazzo del Capitano and documents with signs and a lot of descriptions of the historic buildings of the village, which are still well preserved today.
I highly recommend visiting this tiny village and perhaps taking more time; it would also be interesting to see some hamlets in the surrounding area linked to the Castle's history.